Dogs: A Startling New Understanding of Canine Origin, Behavior & Evolution
by Raymond Coppinger & Lorna Coppinger
Marking the first time that dogs have been explained in such detail by eminent researchers, "Dogs" is a work of wide appeal, as absorbing as it is enlightening. Drawing on insight gleaned from forty-
Concentrating on five types of dogs -
How did the domestic dog become a distinct species from the wolf? Why do different breeds behave differently? Most important, how can we improve the relationship between humans and dogs?
The authors show how dogs' different abilities depend upon the confluence of their nature and nurture -
"Dogs" is a highly readable biological approach by noted researchers that provides a wealth of new information about the interaction of nature and nurture, and demonstrates how unique dog behavior is in the animal world.
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Marla Campbell dog breeder of Newton, Kansas -
Marla Campbell dog breeder of Newton, Kansas -
Marla Campbell dog breeder of Newton, Kansas -
One of my articles in Dog News met with some concerned response from Saluki breeders. Concerned because, in depicting a certain big winning Saluki, I ended up promoting a TRAD. Do you know what a TRAD is?
A TRAD is a Saluki with "Tremendous Reach And Drive" similar to the dog stacked and moving in profile at the trot. "Well," you might ask, "what is wrong with that?" According to concerned Saluki breeders, the Saluki is not required to exhibit tremendous reach and drive at the trot. The Saluki must travel long distances at the trot over difficult terrain in an energy-
Judges who award TRADs with Group and Best in Show are of a different opinion. Many believe that the best-
The TRAD shown is too heavy overall, has the wrong top-
I had dozens of examples to choose from, each possessing various levels of moderation, mostly standing in a relaxed pose. However, it was necessary for the purpose of comparison, to depict typical in a formal stack at the angle a judge would make his or her assessment: first in silhouette, then in line. To do so would require improving on reality so I turned first to depicting typical in a relaxed pose.
To promote the highest ideals among dog owners and breeders and aim for the continuous improvement of the breed within the framework of the approved breed standard, I pledge that:
ACA Dog Show Rules and Awarded Points
ACA Conformation Dog Show Rules To earn the title of Champion a dog must:
• Earn a total of twenty (20) cumulative points.
• Participate in a minimum of three (3) shows.
• Be awarded Major points by at least two (2) different judges.
• Earn a Major in at least two (2) different shows.
• Two (2) points must come from a certified veterinarian clearing the dog of at least one (1) congenital defect.
• A maximum of six (6) points can be obtained from a certified veterinarian by having a Health Certification Form (ask your ACA representative for this form) completed and submitted to an ACA representative.
• Separate shows (Puppy class) are held for canines less than six (6) months old.
• No points will be awarded for show participation for dogs less than six (6) months old.
The remainder of the points will come from sanctioned ACA conformation dog shows. The dogs will be judged to the Foundation Standard of the Breed. The judge(s) will place the dogs that best represent the Breed Class, Group Class & Best in Show. The class/point system is as follows:
Best of Opposite
Within a breed, if there are at least three (3) dogs of one (1) sex and at least one (1) of the opposite sex, the breed will be split and judged separately by sex first. The winner of each side will then be judged against the winner of the opposite sex. The winner from those two will be awarded Best of Breed, the looser will be awarded Best of Opposite.
Best of Breed Points
The winner of Best of Breed can earn between one (1) and five (5) points based on the number of other canines competing in that breed. The winner of Best of Breed will earn one (1) point for each canine in the ring up to a maximum of five (5) points i.e. If there are three (3) canines in the ring including the winner, the winner will earn three (3) points.
To earn a Major, a dog must compete against and defeat at least two (2) other canines in the Breed, Group or Show class. Multiple Majors can be earned in a single show, however, to earn Champion status, a dog must earn a Major in at least two (2) different shows and under at least (2) different ACA Judges. Best of Opposite does not award a Major regardless of the number of canines defeated.
The highest number of points awarded at any conformation show per canine is 10 points. The points will carry to the dog's permanent record and accumulate from each show to equal a total of 20 points for the Championship. All Judge's decisions are final. If there is only one dog per breed and/or group, the dog will still be judged to the Foundation Standard of the Breed and receive the minimum point(s) for that class and move on to the next class.
Once a dog has achieved Champion status, that dog can only compete in Grand Champion shows.
To earn the title of Grand Champion a dog must:
• Already be recognized as an ACA Champion.
• Have at least one (1) offspring that is recognized as an ACA Champion.
• Earn a total of fifty (50) cumulative points.
• The points earned to reach ACA Champion status count towards the fifty (50) cumulative total. Rules for Judges
• A judge cannot judge a dog owned in part or whole by an immediate family member (spouse, child, step-
• A judge cannot show a canine and/or handle a dog shown in a conformation show on the same day they are judging a conformation show. They can judge a Grand Champion show and enter a conformation show on the same day OR judge a conformation show and enter a Grand Champion show on the same day.
• Each judge is responsible for signing the record form for each dog judged after each breed, group and show is finished. This will mean up to 3 signatures from a judge on a form if a dog wins Best in Breed and Best in Group.
The record forms are to be held by the Event Organizer between and after each show. If a judge needs a copy of a record form, they can request that from the Event Organizer. Additionally, judges are permitted to take electronic photographs of the judge's signed record sheets of the events they officiated.
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